Thursday, March 31, 2005

Where do you think I saw these strange looking piggies? Posted by Hello
Two weeks ago I went to the London Zoo with Liz and Clint. Yes, it is strange in three English majors would go to the Zoo and not the British Library. But the day was si sunny and warm that we couldn't help but walk around.  Posted by Hello
For some strange reason I think that Clint and Liz may have felt slightly uncompfortable about going to the Zoo. I really am not sure why. Posted by Hello
Later, I think that they really started to get into it. Posted by Hello
I don't remember what these are called. I do remember that they are from South America, they're body shape is a mixture of rabbit and antelope, and the one lying down in the back was eyeing me as if it was going to pounce. Posted by Hello
Isn't this am amazing shot? The giraffe's have an indoor room that they can stay in during the cooler weather. Because it was nice that day they were outside. I didn't know that I had taken pictures of both giraffes Posted by Hello
I really love llama's.  Posted by Hello
There were about three snakes in the same display case. I only took a picture of this one because it wasn't eatting a dead rat... whole. Posted by Hello
Can you find the two chickens? Clever aren't they? Posted by Hello
This was my favorit animal. I never knew that chikens could have afros. Posted by Hello
I think that it might be a little creepy that this warning sighn was outside of the zoo petting zoo. Posted by Hello

There is the first of many pictures I took at Oxford. This pictrure was taken inside of one of the colleges. Posted by Hello

Nice round building Posted by Hello

This is the building where the graduations take place. From what I remember, there are mutiple graduations because the building is too small. But they keep them there for tradition's sake. Posted by Hello

While I was in Oxford I went on a walking tour. Strangly enough, I didn't see that many students. I think that it was because it was the weekend. Posted by Hello

Here is the view of Queens college court yard when you first enter. Posted by Hello

This is a never ending hall Posted by Hello

here is the court yard of Queen's college  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

This is just a preview of the pictures that I will be uploading soon. I have pictures from my Oxford trip, the park near Baker street and the Zoo. I will hopfuly be able to update it this weekend. Although I have a feeling that I will have to wait untill next Tuseday. Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 17, 2005

This si the stage of the Globe Theater. At this theater they preform Elizabethan plays in traditional (men only and in period clothing) and modern style. The Globe was rebuilt by the request of an American actually. The actor/director Sam Wanamaker felt that through rebuilding the Globe near its original site could provide an oppertunity to have a place where the study of not only Shakespearian theater, clothing, music ect. but cold also be used by many different people and also serve an educational perpose.
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On this day there was group of kids practicing a scene from Macbeth. Posted by Hello

Look at the little troopers. Even though they all seem to be pretty cold they stay in character.

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. Here is their director. I think that he is taking the whole performance pretty seriously Posted by Hello

The stage itself is supposed to represent Earth. There are three doors on the stage. The two side doors are the ones that are used for usual entrances and exits. The middle door is used when someone is hiding, and being discovered.
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Above the stage there is a canopy. The pictures of the zodiac signs are to help it represent the heavens. Posted by Hello