Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I am not sure what this arch is called. But it is opposite the Arch de Triump Posted by Hello

It is never a sunny day when i take pictures Posted by Hello

After walking through a very nice park, Sloan, Clint and I walked down the Chaps-Elysee. It is is a very popular shopping area. I guess you could even say that it is a very BIG shoping area!!! LOL..... am I really the only person laughing at that joke.
 Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

I am not too sure what this is. but it still looks cool. Posted by Hello

Ahh, French family films Posted by Hello

Aff, the Eiffel Tower. It is strangely a lot wider than you would expect. It is also a funny colour.  Posted by Hello

Super!!! This is the inside of one of the Metro stations. Although I think that the London Underground is a lot nicer, the Paris Metro does have a lot more art. Here, there was a mural that went all the way through the stair case.  Posted by Hello

On our way to the cathidral we saw some street preformers. I have to say that the street preformers in Paris do seem to work a little harder than the ones in london. Posted by Hello

Geeze, Clint and I were super tired after walking up this super long hill. I was really tired. I just don;t know how Sloan was able to practically sprint up the hill. I guess English majors are better off at sitting and reading. Leave the hiking to everyone else. Posted by Hello

Here is Paris from above. Although we realized that there was a shuttle that would have taken us to the top of the hill, walking made this site worth it.  Posted by Hello

This is the Sacre Coeur. This is a really cool cathidral. Asside from having a beautiful interior, while we were there Mass was being prefromed by a group of nuns. It was beautiful.

 Posted by Hello

We made it to the top, and to celebrate the end of our trip. a tired Clint and I pose for a picture with Pairs in the background. Posted by Hello

NOW here Sloan and I take a picture with eachother with Pairs as our background. Posted by Hello

This street was really narrow. I enjoied the walk down a lot better than the walk up. The evening was so warm and peiceful. I think that the Mass heard in the cathidral really set a mood for the rest of the evening.  Posted by Hello

Ahh, finaly it is the end of the day. We head back down to the Metro to eventualy return home. Posted by Hello